

“Sonepur Mela” book available now!

New book by Maciej Dakowicz contains 126 images taken at Sonepur Mela fair in India between 2010 and 2017.

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Tales of the Unwritten

We’re happy to announce that Un-Posed team will be the part of a new project by Exhibit Around.

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Un-Posed best of 2019

Following the Instagram tradition, here you can see our most popular photos in 2019.

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Un-Posed exhibition in Brussels

Join us for the opening of “Niepozowane” exhibition as part of Brussels Street Photography Festival on 4th October 2019.

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Street photography workshop with Damian Chrobak

Join the Street Photography workshop with Damian Chrobak in Lublin, Poland!

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Kasia Kubiak as a winner of Urban Street Diving contest.

Very happy to see our member Kasia Kubiak as a winner of Urban Street Diving contest with her reportage about Charlotte! Kasia will be exhibited in RAW Streetphoto Gallery Rotterdam. 14.April 2018,16:00

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Un-Posed Workshop: Damian Chrobak, Tymon Markowski, Katarzyna Kubiak.

Zapraszamy na warsztaty street photo z członkami kolektywu Un-Posed – Damianem Chrobakiem, Tymonem Markowskim i Kasią Kubiak Warsztaty przeznaczone są dla osób, którym bliska jest idea szeroko rozumianej fotografii ulicznej. Z uwagi na to, że chcemy poświęcić odpowiednio dużo czasu każdemu uczestnikowi oraz zapewnić Wam komfort pracy, liczba miejsc jest ograniczona. Warsztaty odbędą się w…

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Un-Posed – Street Meet!

Już 11 marca w Służewski Dom Kultury pierwszy Street Meet! Spotkanie i dyskusja z członkami kolektywu Un-Posed oraz prezentacja nadesłanych fotografii. Jeżeli chcesz zaprezentować swoje zdjęcia szerszej publiczności, wyślij swoje portfolio  do 28 lutego na adres Skontaktujemy się tylko z wybranymi osobami. Prosimy o zgłoszenia od osób, które są dyspozycyjne w dniu 11 marca,…

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Un-Posed Workshop: Damian Chrobak i Tymon Markowski

Zapraszamy na dwudniowe warsztaty street photo z członkami kolektywu Un-Posed – Damianem Chrobakiem i Tymonem Markowskim. Warsztaty odbędą się w Londynie w dniach 7-8 kwietnia 2018 roku. Kładziemy nacisk na praktykę – każdego dnia uczestnicy spędzą większość czasu na ulicy, fotografując pod okiem prowadzących. Przez cały czas trwania warsztatów Damian i Tymon będą odpowiadać na…

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Katarzyna Kubiak joins Un-Posed!

We are pleased to announce that Katarzyna Kubiak is a new member of Un-Posed collective. Katarzyna is highly devoted to documentary and street photography and we look forward to working together with her!

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Un-Posed NY – Ania Kłosek & Damian Chrobak

“Un-Posed NY” is an exhibition of photographs from New York, taken by Ania Kłosek and Damian Chrobak.

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“I See You” – new book by Damian Chrobak!

The book “I See You” by Damian Chrobak is ready and it looks amazing! We highly recommend getting a copy while it’s available.

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“Niepozowane” exhibition opening

Photos from the opening of “Niepozowane” exhibition by Un-Posed collective at Leica Gallery in Warsaw, 31 May 2017.

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Un-Posed “Niepozowane” at Leica 6×7 Gallery Warsaw!

We’re happy to invite you to the premiere of the updated version of our “Niepozowane” exhibition, at Leica 6×7 Gallery in Warsaw, Poland, on 31 May 2017, 19:00.

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Tymon Markowski’s new book “Flow” is available now!

We are pleased to announce, that the new book “Flow” by Tymon Markowski is available now! It’s a unique documentary photography project focused on a life along the Brda river.

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Tymon Markowski Flow photography book cover

Winner of the Un-Posed street photography competition

We are pleased to announce the winner of the Un-Posed street photography competition…

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‘Everywhere I look, I’m being looked at’ at theprintspace Gallery.

Come and join us for the private view of Damian’s exhibition at theprintspace gallery. The ‘Everywhere I look, I’m being looked at’ series is centred on consumerism and the idea that wanting, and spending, controls our lives. A selection of black and white photographs depict street situations that also feature advertisements, magazine covers, newspapers and billboards….

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“Niepozowane” exhibition in Wrocław, Poland!

We are pleased to announce, that our latest and biggest exhibition “Niepozowane” will be soon presented at the Foto-Gen gallery in Wroclaw, Poland. See you there!

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Tymon Markowski is Photojournalist of the Year 2016!

Great news – our member, Tymon Markowski, was awarded with the title of the Photojournalist of the Year 2016!

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Fotoreporter Roku 2016 Tymon Markowski

Join the Un-Posed competition on Facebook

Share your photos with us – at the end of the month, Un-posed will select the best image and publish it on our website and in other social media. Let’s get started!

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“Flow” by Tymon Markowski featured by NYT Lens

Latest project “Flow” by the Un-Posed member, Tymon Markowski, was featured by the NY Times Lens Magazine.

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Tymon Markowski shortlisted for the Balkan Photo Award

Tymon Markowski nominated in three categories: Cultural Heritage, Nature and Environment, Sports.

Download exhibition catalogue.

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Maciej Dakowicz interviewed by It’s Nice That and EyeEm

Maciej Dakowicz interviewed about his photography work and his travels, by It’s Nice That magazine and EyeEm blog.

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Ania Kłosek as a Jury member of Urban Photo Awards

Ania Kłosek announced as one the Jury members of this year’s edition of Urban Photo Awards.

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Tomasz Kulbowski interviewed by EyeEm and Fotoblogia

Un-Posed member Tomasz Kulbowski was recently interviewed about his street photography work by EyeEm blog and the biggest Polish photography blog, Fotoblogia

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Tymon Markowski joins Un-Posed!

We are pleased to announce that Tymon Markowski is a new member of Un-Posed collective! Tymon is an ambitious photographer, winner of several awards and his style is different from other members, which makes him a valuable member of the Un-Posed team.

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Un-Posed featured in Digital Camera magazine

Un-Posed team was featured in the latest issue of the Polish edition of Digital Camera Polska magazine, including a text about the collective with photos and some useful street photography advice from our members.

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Monika Krzyszkowska and Jamie Fyson Howard selected finalist of Miami Street Photography Festival 2016

Great news from Miami Street Photography Festival 2016. Our members Monika Krzyszkowska and Jamie Fyson Howard in the final. Congratulations also to Tymon Markowski, Tomasz Lazar, Pawel Piotrowski and Kuba Jasionek.

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Un-Posed at Trieste Photo Days

Un-Posed collective will be presented during Trieste Photo Days.

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Ania Kłosek selected finalist of BSPF

Another great news: Ania Klosek is one the finalists for the 2016 Brussels Street Photography Festival, in the International Singles Contest!

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Un-Posed members awarded in 6. Leica Street Photo

Strong representation of the Un-Posed team in 6th Leica Street Photo competition – three of our members: Monika Krzyszkowska, Maciej Dakowicz and Tomasz Kulbowski were awarded this year.

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Niezpozowane exhibition opening night

Big thank you to all who joined us at the opening of “Niepozowane” exhibition on 20th August 2016 – what a great night it was and an important moment for our team!

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Un-Posed exhibition – Niepozowane

We are very excited to invite you to the upcoming Un-Posed collective exhibition in Lublin, Poland – our premiere show with the new team and the biggest one so far!

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Tomasz Kulbowski featured in LensCulture

The “Happenings” series by Tomasz Kulbowski was featured in LensCulture in the series of inspiring features on contemporary street photography.

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Pictures of the Month: July 2016 / Un-Posed Flickr Group

Each month one of the Un-Posed photographers selects three favourite photos submitted to our Flickr group. Have a look at the July selection by Maciej Dakowicz…

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© Tavepong Pratoomwong

Miami Street Photography Festival 2016

Greate news from Miami. Ania Klosek is a member of the Jury of Miami Street Photography Contest 2016.      

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Main prize of URBAN 2016 Photo Awards for Monika Krzyszkowska

Monika Krzyszkowska won the Main Prize of the Urban 2016 International Photo Awards, congratulations!

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Monika Krzyszkowska wins Polska Ulicznie competition!

Monika Krzyszkowska won the first prize of this year’s edition of Polska Ulicznie street photography competition.

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Women of Street Photography

Interesting list of talented women working in the street photography field – featuring all female Un-Posed members: Ania Klosek, Monika Krzyszkowska and Marta Rybicka.

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Maciej Dakowicz with Grand Press Photos award!

Congratulations to Maciej Dakowicz for receiving the award for 3rd place in the News category at this year’s Grand Press Photo competition.

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Un-Posed photographers shortlisted for Polska Ulicznie competition

We’re happy to announce that three of the Un-Posed photographers: Ania Kłosek, Monika Krzyszkowska and Jamie Howard are shortlisted for this year’s edition of Polska Ulicznie competition.

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Maciej Dakowicz wins 1 Prize in the News Story category of the BZ WBK Press Foto 2016 contest.

Maciej receives the first prize in the News category for his Nepal earthquake day reportage in tbe BZ WBK Foto competition. minnesota payday loans

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Ania Kłosek selected for the Eyes on Main Street Festival

One of the Un-Posed photographers, Ania Kłosek, was selected to participate in this year’s edition of the Eyes on Main Street -Wilson Outdoor Photo Festival. Her work will be presented next to such names as Dorothea Lange, Walker Evans and Lewis Hine (as well as two other Polish photographers Iza Nowak and Maciek Nabrdalik). Congratulations!

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Street Photography Workshop in Bangkok

Join one of the Un-Posed photographers – Tomasz Kulbowski, at the intensive, 3-day long Street Photography workshop in the location famous for it’s diverse and multi-layered street life – Bangkok, Thailand.

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Back Into Focus – Saul Leiter’s exhibition in London

The legendary Saul Later’s exhibition, curated by Ingo Taubhorn and Brigitte Woischnik, on display at Photographers Gallery in London, UK from 22 January until 3 April 2016.

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