Tymon Markowski’s new book “Flow” is available now!
We are pleased to announce, that the new book “Flow” by Tymon Markowski is available now! It’s a unique documentary photography project focused on a life along the Brda river.
We are pleased to announce, that the new book “Flow” by Tymon Markowski is available now! It’s a unique documentary photography project focused on a life along the Brda river.
We are pleased to announce the winner of the Un-Posed street photography competition…
Come and join us for the private view of Damian’s exhibition at theprintspace gallery. The ‘Everywhere I look, I’m being looked at’ series is centred on consumerism and the idea that wanting, and spending, controls our lives. A selection of black and white photographs depict street situations that also feature advertisements, magazine covers, newspapers and billboards….